1 - Basic Statistics.

1.1 - Crosstabs, distribution, marginal distribution.

#Read data file
LFSCanada<- read.csv2("Can0718.txt", sep="")

The function table() to create frequencies

It is possible to generate frequency tables using the table( ) function :

  • The following table display the population by gender for each province.
#Average wage by age group
##                        Female  Male
##   Alberta                5476  5359
##   British Columbia       6228  5928
##   Manitoba               4614  4496
##   New Brunswick          2682  2511
##   Newfoundland           1972  1772
##   Nova Scotia            2871  2594
##   Ontario               14234 13297
##   Prince Edward Island   1446  1331
##   Québec                 8931  8577
##   Saskatchewan           3891  3680

The function pro.table() to create tables of proportions.

  • The option 1 will display row percentages: The sum of each row will be 1. In each province, we will have the proportion of Male and Female.
# Distribution of workers by gender for each province
round(tablepro1,digits = 2)
##                        Female Male
##   Alberta                0.51 0.49
##   British Columbia       0.51 0.49
##   Manitoba               0.51 0.49
##   New Brunswick          0.52 0.48
##   Newfoundland           0.53 0.47
##   Nova Scotia            0.53 0.47
##   Ontario                0.52 0.48
##   Prince Edward Island   0.52 0.48
##   Québec                 0.51 0.49
##   Saskatchewan           0.51 0.49

1.2 - Statistics : Mean, median, min, max.

The function tapply() to create table of statistics

tapply() computes a measure (mean, median, min, max, etc..) or a function for each factor variable in a vector. The following example calculate the sample mean wage for each age group in Canada. We applied the special function tapply():

  • x is a vector of the continuous variable : Individual wage.
  • INDEX : list of factors : Age group.
  • FUN : Is a function of statistics we want to display : Here we are looking mean. But it is possible also other statistics like median, percentiles.
#Average wage by age group
table3 <- tapply(LFSCanada$hrlyearn,INDEX = LFSCanada$age_12,FUN=mean,na.rm =TRUE)
round(table3,digits = 2)
## 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69   70+ 
## 13.44 17.36 24.18 27.60 29.08 30.01 29.94 29.29 28.29 26.61 25.29 22.57

The function barplot to represent the previous table.

  • Create the table you want to plot.
  • Plot the table.

barplot command has many options : look at the help.

#Average wage by age group
barplot(table3,las=2,ylab = "Hourly wage",xlab = "Age group")

Represent cross-tablebarplot with two variables

  • Create the table you want to plot.
  • Plot the table.

barplot command has many options : look at the help.


#Average wage by age group
table4= tapply(LFSCanada$hrlyearn,INDEX=list(LFSCanada$sex,LFSCanada$age_12),FUN=mean,na.rm =TRUE)
round(t(table4),digits = 2)
##       Female  Male
## 15-19  13.08 13.80
## 20-24  16.59 18.10
## 25-29  22.97 25.31
## 30-34  25.87 29.23
## 35-39  27.01 31.06
## 40-44  27.73 32.27
## 45-49  27.46 32.40
## 50-54  26.77 32.02
## 55-59  25.50 31.11
## 60-64  23.91 29.03
## 65-69  23.39 26.78
## 70+    20.53 24.09


#Average wage by age group
barplot(table4,las=2,beside = TRUE)
legend("topleft",legend = rownames(table4)  , pch =c(15,15), col=c("gray10","gray70"))

2- Plotting Graphs.

One of the most frequently used plotting functions in R is the plot() function. This is a generic function: the type of plot produced is dependent on the type or class of the first argument.

Two continuous variables.

If x and y are vectors, plot(x, y) produces a scatterplot of y against x :


Select individuals living in Quebec province

#Read data file
TSCanada <- read.csv2("TSCanada.txt", sep="")
TSQuebec <-subset(TSCanada,prov=='Quebec')

Plotting number of employed against wage during the period 2000-2017 for Quebec province :


Time-series : Trend of employment in Quebec from 2000 to 2017

plot(TSQuebec$year,TSQuebec$Employed, type = "l")

Time-series : Trend (colored) of employment in Quebec from 2000 to 2017

plot(TSQuebec$year,TSQuebec$Employed, type = "l",col="blue",xlab="years", ylab="Number of employed")

Time Series using ts() function

The ts() function will convert a numeric vector into an R time series object. We have to specify the start date, the end and the frequency

  • Start date: 2000
  • End date: 2017
  • Frequency: 1 if annual, 4 if quartly and 12 if monthly
myts<-ts(TSQuebec$Employed, start=c(2000, 1), frequency=1)

Plot several time series on a common plot using ts.plot().

-First: Create the time series.

mytsQC=ts(subset(TSCanada,prov=='Quebec')$hrlyearn,start=c(2000, 1),frequency=1)
## Time Series:
## Start = 2000 
## End = 2017 
## Frequency = 1 
##      mytsQC mytsON mytsBC
## 2000     30     49     56
## 2001     35     59     61
## 2002     40     65     69
## 2003     46     72     73
## 2004     55     82     77
## 2005     62     89     78
## 2006     68     97     88
## 2007     79    109     98
## 2008     90    120    116
## 2009    102    130    127
## 2010    105    136    133
## 2011    113    142    138
## 2012    121    147    146
## 2013    129    154    150
## 2014    137    159    156
## 2015    145    166    164
## 2016    152    170    167
## 2017    161    172    169
  • Second: Plot the evolution of average wage in Quebec, British Columbia and Ontario.
ts.plot(myts,gpars=list(ylab="Hourly wagee", lty=c(1:3)))
legend("topleft",legend =c("Ontario","Quebec","British Columbia"), lty=c(1:3))